Try an e -book with Imadoki's "vertical and high resolution smartphone"

Try an e -book with Imadoki's "vertical and high resolution smartphone"

By the way, the first conclusion is that every product has passed as a device for reading e -books.Indeed, it is not suitable for the spread display, but in each case the resolution is too high, and there is no fatal weak point.Because it is Android, it also supports content purchases in the store app and turning pages using volume buttons.

On top of that, I would like to narrow down the points to the display performance and operability, and check the differences between each product.If there is no refusal below, Kindle is used for the e -book app.

First of all, regarding the screen display, all terminals exceed 400 ppi, so text content can be described without any thin lines and the details of the details without crushing.As you can see from the image below, 5 of the 300PPI class used for comparison.The difference between the type 2 smartphone "ZenFone 3 Max" is obvious, and it is clearly higher.

テキストの画質比較。サンプルには太宰治著「 グッド・バイ」を用いている。上段左が「P20 lite」(432ppi相当)、上段右が「ZenFone 5」(402ppi相当)、下段左が「U12+」(537ppi)、下段右が比較用の「ZenFone 3 Max」(282ppi)コミックの画質比較。サンプルにはうめ著「大東京トイボックス 1巻」を用いている。上段左が「P20 lite」(432ppi相当)、上段右が「ZenFone 5」(402ppi相当)、下段左が「U12+」(537ppi)、下段右が比較用の「ZenFone 3 Max」(282ppi)


However, the actual display size is not equivalent to all three products, but only the "P20 lite" may have a smaller body width than the other two products, and the displayed page size is slightly smaller.Not only that, 5.There is a reversal phenomenon that the page size is smaller than the type 2 "Zenfone 3 Max".

In other words, the number of numerical screen size = the length of the diagonal line does not mean that the displayed page size will always increase.If you don't recognize this, you'll have to buy a smartphone with a large screen size, but the comic page size has become smaller than before, and only the upper and lower margins have become larger.

Rather, for the current smartphone, looking at the width of the terminal is more useful for grasping the page size of the comic.Even with the above -mentioned "P20 Lite" and "ZenFone 3 Max", the former is 71mm and the latter is 73..Because it is 7mm, this theory applies.The bezel width of the smartphone is different for each model, so it does not apply to any case, but it will be a reference material.

左から「P20 lite」、「ZenFone 5」、「U12+」。左端の「P20 lite」はひとまわり小さいことがわかる同じページを表示し、コマのサイズで比較してみよう。「P20 lite」は51.8mm「ZenFone 5」は55.1mm。「P20 lite」よりも3mm以上大きい「U12+」は55.2mm。こちらも「P20 lite」より3mm以上大きい比較用の5.2型スマートフォン「ZenFone 3 Max」は52.6mmあり、5.84型の「P20 lite」を上回っている左が5.84型の「P20 lite」、右が5.2型の「ZenFone 3 Max」。コミックの場合、ページサイズを決めるのはあくまでも横幅であり、画面サイズ=対角線のサイズはあまり重要ではないことがわかる

So, when you read a comic, there is no significant advantage that the screen is vertical, but the more you use it, the more benefits you use, the more you feel the merit.

The text content is a reflow type, and the layout changes according to the aspect ratio of the screen.In other words, even a vertical smartphone can display the full screen that makes full use of the screen size without creating a margin up and down.Intuitively, the image is a slim book with a slim book or a small new book, and the balance is good.

Even if it is a 7-8 type tablet even in the same vertical length, it may feel tired of moving the gaze because it is too long vertically and the number of characters in the line is too large, but if it is a smartphone around 6 type like this time,There is no such problem.Rather, it can be said that it can be recommended for those who often read text content.

「ZenFone 5」で、コミックとテキストを表示した場合の比較。コミックはページ上下に大きな余白ができてしまうが、テキストは画面サイズをフルに活かした表示が可能だこちらは7型のFire 7(右)との比較。1行あたりの文字数および行数は2割程度しか違わないが、ベゼル幅の違いもありずいぶんとコンパクトに感じる。テキストを目で追うときも、本製品のほうが快適だちなみに画面が縦長であることは、コンテンツの一覧表示では威力を発揮する。このように16:9比率のスマートフォン(右)と比べると、コンテンツを一段多く表示できることも