Thorough explanation of new and recommended functions of Android 8.0 | Update and use!

Thorough explanation of new and recommended functions of Android 8.0 | Update and use!

Android 8.What is 0?

Android's latest OS / Android 8 released in August 2017.0.Recently, the number of smartphones that support updates has finally become popular.

Recent Android does not add many noticeable functions in updates, but if you use it carefully, you can see that it has a newly convenient new feature.In this article, such Android 8.I will thoroughly check about 0.

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Android8.Before introducing the new functions and recommended functions of 0, let's briefly review the performance updates.The main updates are as follows.

■ Main update contents (performance aspect) ■ Improvement of battery consumption ・ improvement of performance-OS Shortening time (up to twice) ・ Support for adaptive icons (adaptive icons) ・ Support for Wi-Fi Aware

What is particularly nice for Android smartphone users is "Improvement of battery consumption" and "shortening OS launch time"?

"Improvement of battery consumption" is a more strict restriction of the background (app not displayed on the screen).Specifically, the battery is improved by stopping the app a few minutes later and limiting the current position acquisition information.

"Shortening OS boot time" is Android8.In 0, the startup speed of the OS is faster.Actually Android8.The writer who uses 0 feels that the startup speed has become faster than the predecessor OS, and I feel that the frequency of waiting time has decreased.

Android 8.0 new functions

From here, Android 8.Here are three new features installed in 0.

Android 8.In 0, by pressing and holding the app -icon on the home screen, the shortcut menu will be displayed and the functions in the app will be quickly accessed.This time, I checked the shortcut menus of the video application "YouTube", the SNS application "LINE", and the browser application "Chrome".

Android 8.0 new functions・おすすめ機能を徹底解説 | アップデートして使いこなそう!

■ Three shortcut menus of YouTube, "Surprise rise", "Registration Channel", and "Search" are displayed.

■ LINE four shortcut menus: "Pause of notifications", "QR code reader", "code payment", and "new talk" are displayed.

■ Two shortcut menus of Chrome "Secret Tab" and "New Tab" are displayed.

Android 8.0 supports fingerprint gestures that perform various operations by tracing the fingerprint sensor.By tracing a fingerprint sensor, it is possible to operate photos/videos, stop on the phone, stop alarm, display notification panels, and browse photos ( * for Huawei P20 Lite).

Until now, some manufacturers have their own fingerprint gesture functions, but it is a nice point that this can now be used as an OS standard function.

Android 8.In 0, a new feature called channel has been added to the notification, and the notification can be set on and off by itself.It is convenient to assign notification settings to apps that require notifications and unnecessary apps.

In addition, it supports the notification dot displayed at the top right of the app icon when the notification arrives, so you can prevent the notification from missing.

Android 8.0 Recommended functions

From here on, Android smartphone, I felt it was convenient to use Android8.I will introduce the recommended function of 0.

A picture -in -picture is a function that displays a small window at the end of one display and displays multiple screens at the same time.

Android 8.In the case of 0, press the task button while the corresponding application is started, the screen becomes smaller and displayed at the lower right.It is possible to display the navigation screen of the Google Map while browsing on Chrome, and watch YouTube videos while checking the email.

Android 8.In 0, the storage interface has been renewed.Until the predecessor OS, I was able to confirm only storage, but Android 8.In 0, the usage rate can be understood at a glance.In addition, since the application items have been added, the ease of management has been improved.

What I want to focus on is that the storage function of the storage cleaner has been added.Tap the button to list the data that seems to be unnecessary in the storage.After that, tap "Cleanup at the top of the page" to complete.

Android 8.In 0, the text selection function has also been improved.One of the most notable is that you can select text such as address and phone number just by double tapping.

In the past, the text was selected by tracing the text with a finger, so the selection could not be adjusted well, but there is no worry.By the way, if you have a double tap or press and hold the text, the "dial" button will be popped up, and tap this to make a phone call.It is also possible to check the address in the same method with a map application.

Android 8.Let's use 0

Android's latest OS / Android 8 so far.I have thoroughly explained 0.Android 8.0 has evolved not only in terms of performance such as battery performance, performance, and improving OS startup speed.

In terms of functions, the topic is "Show a shortcut menu by holding down the app", "Add channel and dot function to notification", and "support fingerprint gestures".In addition, "picture -in -pictures for splitting the screen", "selection function of text that became easier to use", and "storage capacity that became easier to manage" were very useful.

Android smartphone users do not use newly installed functions.With reference to this article, Android 8.Please master 0.