Huawei "P20" "P20 lite" Price Summary Where is it best to buy?

Huawei "P20" "P20 lite" Price Summary Where is it best to buy?

On June 15th, Huawei's smartphones "HUAWEI P20" and "HUAWEI P20 lite" were released all at once by each company. P20 is handled by Huawei and MVNO companies, and P20 lite is handled by Huawei and MVNO companies and telecommunications carriers. What is worrisome is the price of the terminal. Where is the cheapest to buy? I compared the prices of major distributors. * All prices do not include tax.

Most of the P20's price is in the high 60,000 yen range, but the "IIJmio" and "Excite Mobile" are cheaper at 62,800 yen. At IIJmio, if you purchase it as a set with SIM, you will receive an Amazon gift certificate worth 8,000 yen, so if you subtract this, it will be as cheap as 54,800 yen.

"Rakuten Mobile" is cheaper at 62,800 yen online than at 69,800 yen at stores, and if you purchase a P20 by changing the model, you can get a discount of up to 61,820 yen for a limited number of 5,000 units.

Huawei「P20」「P20 lite」価格まとめ どこで買うのがお得?

The regular price of "BIGLOBE SIM" is 2900 yen x 24 times (69,600 yen), which is the higher one, but apply for the "Smartphone Marutoku Plan" which is a set of voice call SIM and BIGLOBE phone call option. And, since the monthly fee of 1050 yen is discounted for 2 years, the price after subtracting 24 times of this will be as low as 44,400 yen. BIGLOBE SIM is also recommended if you want to use it for a long time on a line with voice.

In "IIJmio", if you purchase "HUAWEI P20" with SIM, you will receive an Amazon gift certificate worth 8000 yen.
Price of HUAWEI P20
Bulk priceReal priceCampaign price
Huawei online store 69,800 yen
IIJmio 62,800 yen 54,800 yen (when Amazon gift certificate 8,000 yen is subtracted)
Aeon Mobile 64,801 yen
Excite Mobile 62,800 yen
DMM mobile 69,800 yen
NifMo 64,445 yen
BIGLOBE SIM 2900 yen x 24 (69,600 yen) * Split only 44,400 yen (1850 yen x 24) (after applying the smartphone Marutoku plan limited terminal charge discount benefit)
mineo 65,400 yen
Rakuten MobileShop: 69,800 yen Online: 62,820 yen 61,820 yen (Limited model change campaign)
LINE Mobile 69,800 yen

The price of the P20 lite is around 30,000 yen, but the Y! Mobile is as high as 42,500 yen. The cheapest one is goo Simseller's 26,800 yen. Moreover, this fee includes the SIM package fee (3000 yen) for "OCN Mobile ONE".

IIJmio is 22,800 yen when you subtract the Amazon gift certificate of 5,000 yen, and Rakuten Mobile is 27,782 yen when you apply the campaign limited to 5,000 units, which is also cheap. Until June 28th, NifMo is holding a bargain sale that sells the P20 lite at 55% off for 13,000 yen, so this is also worth watching.

The P20 lite also handles major carriers and sub-brands, and monthly discounts and unique measures are applied, so the longer you use it, the cheaper it will be. au is actually 15,000 yen by applying "Monthly Discount" or "Upgrade Program EX", Y! Mobile is actually 12,500 yen to 24,500 yen, BIGLOBE SIM is actually 15,360 yen to 18,960 yen, UQ mobile will actually cost between 12,000 and 24,000 yen.

At gooSimseller, it is cheap even with the SIM of "OCN Mobile ONE"
Price of HUAWEI P20 lite
Bulk priceReal priceCampaign price
Huawei online store 31,980 yen
au 30,000 yen 15,000 yen
Y! mobile 42,500 yenSmartphone plan S: 24,500 yen Smartphone plan M, L: 12,500 yen
IIJmio 27,800 yen 22,800 yen (when Amazon gift certificate 5000 yen is subtracted)
Aeon Mobile 27,801 yen
Excite Mobile 28,800 yen
gooSimseller 26,800 yen (* OCN Mobile ONE SIM set) 14,800 yen (until June 29)
DMM mobile 31,980 yen
NifMo 28,889 yen 13,000 yen (until June 28)
BIGLOBE SIM 1240 yen x 24 (29,760 yen) * Split only Type A: 15,360 yen (640 yen x 24) Type D: 18,960 yen (790 yen x 24) (both when set with voice SIM)
mineo 29,400 yen
Rakuten MobileShop: 31,980 yen Online: 28,782 yen 27,782 yen (Limited model change campaign)
UQ mobile 28,900 yenPlan S: 24,000 yen Plan M, L: 12,000 yen
LINE Mobile 31,980 yen
