Google, Android monthly patch patch public species "Serious" Fixed pixel, including 9 cases, enhanced functions

Google, Android monthly patch patch public species "Serious" Fixed pixel, including 9 cases, enhanced functions

On July 1 (local time), Google released the monthly security information of Android, clarifying the details of the vulnerabilities discovered so far.Partners such as carriers and terminal manufacturers are notified one month in advance, and vulnerabilities fix patches will be distributed to users through their partners.

Google、Android月例パッチ公開 深刻度「重大」9件を含む修正 Pixelでは機能強化も

The patches published in Android security information are "2019-07-01" and "2019-07-05".In the 2019-07-01, four vulnerabilities were classified into the highest "serious" of Google's four-stage evaluation, and eight vulnerabilities classified as "high"."2019-07-05" has 5 "serious" and 16 "high".

In the case of the Pixel series, the monthly updates, including these vulnerabilities, will improve the functions of "OK Google" and "What are this song?"


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