We interviewed the back side of the event that we are made of miracles.Close to SHIGGY Jr.

We interviewed the back side of the event that we are made of miracles.Close to SHIGGY Jr.

And SHIGGY JR was selected as the opening song of this drama..。When it was announced, I was a little surprised considering their name recognition, but as I watched the drama, SHIGGY JR.I realized that it was inevitable for this drama.


 『僕らは奇跡でできている』イベント裏側を取材。SHIGGY JR.に密着

SHIGGY JR.は、派手で華やかな世界を表現して支持を集めてきたグループでは決してなく、身近にある喜びや目の前の楽しさをすくい上げて歌いながら、カメのようにコツコツと不器用なままで地道に歩んできた4人だ。2年前のインタビューでの、森夏彦(Ba)の発言を思い出すーー「(SHIGGY JR.は)一見オシャレっぽく見えるけど、実はすげえ泥臭いっていう。(中略)それでいいと思うんです。気取らなくていい」(CINRAインタビュー記事「SHIGGY JR.From now on, I'm prepared for the worries unique to the major. "

インディーズ時代に彼らが注目を集めるきっかけとなった“Saturday night to Sunday morning”のミュージックビデオは、折り紙などの素朴なもので飾り付けした家のなかでとっても楽しそうにはしゃいでいる内容で、その表現からSHIGGY JR.はスタートしているし、池田智子(Vo)は「自分が落ち着ける大事な空間があって、ほっとできる時間があって、しかも大事な人がいて、というのが私にとっての最高のオフ」と発言(KKBOXインタビュー記事「SHIGGY JR.For "blissful off" for the day off, what are you listening to?He is a person who can love simple joy as a colorful joy for himself, such as saying, "My favorite food is white rice."Furthermore, the lyrics similar to the dialogue in the third episode listed above are written in the song "Beautiful Life".

そんなSHIGGY JR.The depth of the match between the drama "We are made of miracles" are reported on the appearance of four people in the event day, behind the scenes, press conference, etc.I will tell you while.