There are various points to be aware of when purchasing a cheap smartphone, but the storage capacity is one of the most overlooked.The price is not so different for each capacity like the iPhone, and the storage capacity of the Android smartphone is determined for each terminal.In this article, we will introduce basic information about cheap smartphone storage and recommended smartphones with large storage capacity.
Why is the storage capacity of a cheap smartphone important?
First of all, I will introduce why the storage capacity of the smartphone is important.
Cheap smartphones such as SIM -free smartphones must be checked more often when purchasing than purchasing in a carrier.The point that you should check at the time of purchase is, for example, the following:
Among them, the price of the terminal may be the price of many people who are concerned about purchasing a device.If you decide whether to buy whether the price is high or cheap, it may be simple, but the price is a very important factor.
However, although it is easy to overlook when purchasing, the most important factors are storage capacity and memory capacity.Memory and storage are different, so you need to know this difference.
格安SIMに切り替えるとどのくらいおトクなの?現在、月々のスマホ代が円だとしたら格安SIMに替えると月々0,000円もおトク!3GBプランの安値上位10社の平均値をもとに算出さっそくあなたにぴったりなプランをみつけよう格安SIM比較診断First, to explain the difference between memory and storage, the memory is like a "desk".In English, it is written as "RAM".If the desk is large, you can work more.Similarly, if the number of RAM is large, you can do a lot of work at once.
Then, what is storage is "ROM" when it comes to smartphones in Japan.Strictly speaking, it is not storage = ROM, but it is used in Japanese smartphones in the sense of ROM = storage.The memory is a desk, and the storage is like a desk drawer.Storage is the place to store for a long time.Save photos and videos here.
Memory and storage are not big, but some people do not have any inconvenience even if there is no such large capacity depending on how they are used.
The ratio of Android OS to storage is about 6GB.To calculate the storage that can be actually used from there, for example, if the storage is 16GB, the remaining will be 10GB.
If you have 10GB, you can download a lot of apps, but in addition to saving photos and videos, it will be more cramped.Video has a larger capacity than photos, so if you want to save a lot of videos, 16GB may not be enough.
If you have 32GB of storage, you will not feel cramped in saving apps, photos, videos, music, etc.If you rarely store videos, you will be satisfied with this capacity.
If you want to save a lot of photos, videos, and music, you may want to choose one with a large storage, but don't worry if the ROM is small.This is because a smartphone that can insert a microSD can add storage.With microSD, it is convenient to store photos and music data taken with the camera.
If the SD card is properly inserted into the terminal, the item "SD card" should be displayed in the "storage" of "Settings".
Some people may feel that the more storage capacity, the higher the terminal fee.For example, the iPhone has a separate terminal fee depending on the storage, so you may think so if you imagine the iPhone.
However, Android devices often have fixed storage capacity for each smartphone, so the scheme does not necessarily apply.SIM -free cheap smartphones may have a model of 16GB and 32GB of ROM, even if it is the same terminal price.
However, even if the ROM is the same, there may be differences in other performance, so it can be said that the smartphone that should be selected depends on whether it emphasizes storage capacity or other performance.
What is the storage capacity of the topic of cheap smartphones?
From here, I would like to introduce some of the latest smartphones and explain how much storage capacity each terminal is.
There are various types of cheap smartphones, but the most popular terminals that are popular and easy to get with MVNO are limited.Therefore, we will carefully select and introduce affordable terminal prices that can be purchased at MVNO.
端末 | OS | ROM(ストレージ) | RAM(メインメモリ) |
ZenFone Live(L1) | Android 8.0 | 32 | 2 |
ZenFone Max(M2) | Android 8.1 | 32 | 4 |
HUAWEI nova lite 3 | Android 9 | 32 | 3 |
AQUOS sense2 SH-M08 | Android 8.1 | 32 | 3 |
AQUOS R2 compact SH-M09 | Android 9 Pie | 64 | 4 |
R15 Pro | ColorOS5.1 | 128 | 6 |
Of course, as described above, the terminal is not a comparison of ROM and RAM only, but also combines the characteristics of the terminal, combined with various functions, such as camera function, dustproof / waterproof function, and biological authentication function.It is a good idea to compare various functions and finally decide on the terminal.
There are six types of terminals introduced in the table above, which MVNOs can be purchased?Here, I would like to pick up and introduce each of the most recommended companies among MVNOs where 6 terminals are available.
端末 | 購入できるMVNO | MVNOの特徴 |
ZenFone Live(L1) | mineo | ①3回線のトリプルキャリア②幅広いプラン設定③パケットシェアなどの機能が充実 |
DMM mobile | ①業界最安値の料金設定②プラン設定が細かい③セットの端末が豊富 | |
Fiimo | ①プランがシンプルで分かりやすい②メールアドレスがもらえる③iPhoneがセット購入できる | |
ZenFone Max(M2) | OCN モバイル ONE | ①月別コース・日別コースがある②通話オプションが充実③格安SIM業界でのシェアが高い |
LINEモバイル | ①データフリー機能によってSNSが使い放題②LINEの年齢認証ができる③シンプルなプラン展開 | |
LIBMO | ①TLCポイントが貯まる②データシェアが可能③かけ放題ダブルオプションなら長電話でも安心 | |
HUAWEI nova lite 3 | 楽天モバイル | ①セットの端末が豊富②ポイントが貯められる③2019年10月以降は自社回線になる |
エキサイトモバイル | ①段階料金制のプランがある②SIM複数枚利用ができる③SEGAとコラボした「セガプラン」がある | |
イオンモバイル | ①プラン設定が細かく、大容量プランも充実②全国のイオン店舗で購入やサポートが受けられる③最低契約期間・違約金がない | |
AQUOS sense2 SH-M08 | BIGLOBEモバイル | ①無料WiFiスポットがある②エンタメフリーオプションがお得③データ通信量がシェアできるSIMがある |
IIJmio | ①同一mioID間だと通話時間が延長②格安SIM業界で常にトップシェア③シンプルなプラン設定 | |
QTmobile | ①3回線のトリプルキャリア②無制限かけ放題がある③BBIQユーザーなら支払いが一本化できる | |
AQUOS R2 compact SH-M09 | 楽天モバイル | ①セットの端末が豊富②ポイントが貯められる③2019年10月以降は自社回線になる |
mineo | ①3回線のトリプルキャリア②幅広いプラン設定③パケットシェアなどの機能が充実 | |
OCN モバイル ONE | ①月別コース・日別コースがある②通話オプションが充実③格安SIM業界でのシェアが高い | |
R15 Pro | IIJmio | ①同一mioID間だと通話時間が延長②格安SIM業界で常にトップシェア③シンプルなプラン設定 |
DMM mobile | ①業界最安値の料金設定②プラン設定が細かい③セットの端末が豊富 | |
NifMo | ①公衆無線LANのWiFiが使える②容量シェアができるシェアプランがある③Nifmo バリュープログラムでさらにお得に使える |
Check the storage capacity when purchasing a cheap smartphone
As introduced this time, the capacity of ROM and RAM varies depending on the cheap smartphone.The minimum required capacity varies depending on how you use it, so be sure to consider the size of RAM and ROM before purchasing.
An Android cheap smartphone changes the terminal price depending on the various functions, even if the capacity is the same.When judging the purchase of a device, it is recommended that you compare and compare parts other than the capacity.
Diagnose the cheap SIM that suits you!