Huawei announces the new product "NOVA 5T" --HMS is strengthening, but his heart is "the highest priority on Android": Atsushi Ishikawa's smartphone industry newspaper

Huawei announces the new product "NOVA 5T" --HMS is strengthening, but his heart is "the highest priority on Android": Atsushi Ishikawa's smartphone industry newspaper

On November 14, Huawei announced a new product "Huawei nova 5T".

After the recital, a round table of Huawei's Japan and Korean region, Kureami was held.

This article is a part of the email magazine "Ishikawa Atsushi's smartphone industry newspaper" distributed every Saturday.This article was distributed on November 18, 2019.Click here to apply for e -mail magazine subscription (500 yen per month, excluding tax).

In the past year, Huawei has had a headwind from the United States.He was on the entity list, and in the Japanese market, there were times when he could put his career products properly.

However, the number of terminal shipments in global exceeded 200 million units at a faster pace than last year.In Japan, the share in the smartphone market from January to October 2019 was revealed that career and SIM -free were third and SIM -free alone.Even if there are embolted measures, the sales volume seems to be strong.

But what is worrisome is the future.

At the recital, HMS (Huawei Mobile Service), a unique platform of Huawei, is eagerly introduced.The event will be held in December to support Japanese developers.

ファーウェイが新製品「nova 5T」を発表――HMSを強化するも本心は「Androidを最優先」:石川温のスマホ業界新聞

Looking at the appeal of Huawei platforms here, it feels like you have given up on Android.When I hit that area, I said, "We are thinking about continuing to use Google services (GMS) for smartphones. Of course, the relationship with Google is good, but by the U.S. government.If it is decided that these cannot be used, we must adopt our own OS and create an ecosystem with partner companies. This is HMS. "

The true intention of Huawei is that I want to keep using Android and GMS, but depending on the situation, it may be forced to use HMS.

Some European and Asian countries have released the Mate30 series.

In the usual year, the Mate series is time to be released in Softbank and SIM -free, but unfortunately, this year has not yet been heard.

Isn't it possible to release it in Japan because it's HMS?

Mr. Kureami said, "We are currently considering the introduction of Mate 30 Pro in Japan. However, the content of the study is not a problem of HMS, but we want to launch a 5G -equipped model. We deploy a 4G version of Mate 30 Pro in Japan.We are not going to do so, and we aim to introduce the 5G commercial service in the spring of 2020. "

Of course, it will be GMS compatible when it is introduced.

The Huawei appeals that the products that are currently being released and the products to be released in the future are GMS compatible, but the relationship between the US and middle intermediate is still not clear.

In order to be able to purchase and use the 5G model of the Mate 30 Pro with confidence, we want the US -China problem to be cleared by the spring of 2020.