Del Technologies, Survey results on telework introduction status of small and medium -sized enterprises announced corporate release | Daily Industry Newspaper Electronic Version

Del Technologies, Survey results on telework introduction status of small and medium -sized enterprises announced corporate release | Daily Industry Newspaper Electronic Version

Release issuance Childmpany: Dell Co., Ltd.

デル テクノロジーズ、中小企業のテレワーク導入状況に関する調査結果を発表 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

● Companies that introduce teleworks accelerates from 13%in March to 36%, and about 80%are satisfied."BCP Countermeasures" is the top ● Del Technologies IT Advisors are two Childmpanies, Del Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, URL: HTTPS: HTTPS: HTTPS: (Headquarters: Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, URL: URL: URL: URL: HTTPS: HTTPS: HTTPS: URL: URL: URL.// www.delleeeeeeeeeeee.Child.JP/) and EMC Japan Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya -ku, Tokyo, URL: https: // www.delleeeeeeeeeeeetechnologies.Childm/ja-jp/index.HTM): (President and CEO: Toshihiko Otsuka, hereinafter referred to as Del Technologies) related to teleworks in July 2020 to 1,072 business owners and employees of small and medium -sized enterprises (1 to 99 employees) nationwide. The survey results were announced today. In March this year, Del Technologies surveyed the use of teleworks in small and medium -sized enterprises in March this year as telework spread as part of the promotion of work style reform. After that, in order to find out what the situation was after a self -restraint period, we conducted a survey on the introduction and usage status of teleworks in small and medium -sized enterprises. As a result, the proportion of teleworking in small and medium -sized enterprises increased from 13%to 36%compared to the results of the previous March survey, and the expansion of future intentions and high satisfaction with telework appeared. In addition, while investing in PCs, networks and security as an IT -related device after the introduction of telework, it became clear that there are differences in awareness and disability for telework depending on the size of the industry and the number of employees. 。 In terms of the degree of interest in IT -related matters, "BCP (business continuity) measures such as data backup / disaster countermeasures" have become the top by suppressing "maintenance of teleworking environments". The main survey results ● Respond to over 30 % of the introduction of telework has been introduced. On the other hand, almost half of the whole 47.2%asked if he had introduced a telework at his office, saying that he was not introduced and has not considered it, and 36%answered that it was "introduced."According to a survey conducted in March this year, the proportion of respondents who answered "introduced" was 13 %, an up 23 %.In addition, the answer that "I have not introduced it and I have not considered it" was 73 % in the previous survey, but this time 47..The result was 2 %, indicating that the intention to introduce telework was expanding.By industry, the introduction of telework is the most advanced "information and communication industry (69)..2 %), followed by "Financial and Insurance (53).7 %).On the other hand, he answered, "I haven't introduced it and I haven't considered it.".The breakdown by 2 % of the industries is "construction industry (64).8 %), "Manufacturing (58).5 %) was ranked higher, resulting in a significant difference in the introduction of telework depending on the type of industry.Changes in telework introduction rates vary by industries ● Introduction reasons for the introduction are “promoting work style reform”.On the other hand, the reason why it is not introduced is that "difficult as an industry" is introduced / introduced as a result of over 70 %, "promotion of work style reform" is about half of the total..It was the top at 8 %.Then "Improvement of work -life balance (35).3 %), "Improvement of business productivity (29).2 %), "Reduction of office costs (24).Expectations were given to the benefits of working styles that are not captured by office work, such as 7 %).On the other hand, regarding the reasons for not introducing teleworks, more than 70 % of the "difficulties in the industry" have exceeded 70 %, and it has become noticeable that it is difficult to realize telework depending on the type of industry.● In the overall satisfaction of telework, 23%of respondents who answered "satisfaction" were "satisfied", and about 80%of the teleworks at the workplace were introduced at the workplace where they were generally satisfied with the telework they worked on.When I asked about the satisfaction of the telework that was being, 23.1 % is "satisfied", 55.6 % answered "somewhat satisfied."On the other hand, respondents who are "dissatisfied" and "somewhat dissatisfied" are only about 20 % of the total, and the satisfaction of telework tends to be high. ● When asked about the intention of introducing telework, about 20 % of respondents said that they were "very interested" and "somewhat interest".In addition to 36 % of companies that have already introduced teleworking as a result of "no interest" and "not very interested", respondents who are not interested in the introduction of telework have already introduced teleworking significantly."(16 %)", "I'm very interested (5).3 %) "3 %)" Telework introduction is increasing, but "I am not interested at all (24)."7 %) and" I'm not very interested (18 %) ", and more than 40 % of respondents were indifferent to telework.According to the number of employees, the smaller the number of employees, the lower the degree of interest in teleworks.Interest degree by employee size ● The introduction (assumption) of telework is "assuming the introduction as soon as possible", and "assuming the introduction within 2020" is 25%, which is currently considering the introduction of telework.Regarding the time of introduction, it is found that the introduction of teleworks is being considered in the near future, as "assuming introduction as soon as possible (25 %)" and "expected to be introduced in 2020" (25 %).I did it.● "Teleworking as much as possible" is 32 for the status of telework after the end of the self -restraint period*.1%I heard about the situation of telework after the end of self -restraint period, and said, "I recommend that as much as possible (32) is possible (32) (32) (32)."1%)", "Returned to normal work (everyone) (28).0%), "Telework and work together with the number of days of teleworks (23) (23)."8%)", and "I am still obligating telework" 14)..It was 5%.It turned out that 70 % of companies continued teleworking in some way. ● In the investment of IT -related devices after the introduction of telework, we asked the top three about what IT -related devices were invested after the introduction of telework at the top., The most respondents who mentioned "arranging a personal computer" in the first place..It was 7%.Also, "Redes/constructed networks and security (19).2%), "Update/integration of servers and storage environments (16).3%).● In terms of the degree of interest in IT -related matters, we asked about the degree of interest in the use of IT at the top of the BCP (business continuity) measures such as data backup / disaster countermeasures such as data backup / disaster countermeasures.What I was most interested in was "BCP (business continuity) measures such as data backup / disaster countermeasures", "I am very interested (22).4%) and "I'm OK (45).8%) 68.2 %, followed by 62 "Redigent / Construction of Network Security".The result was 2 %.Survey on teleworks in small and medium-sized enterprises: Overview of Teleworks: SMEs nationwide (1-to 99 companies) managers and IT representatives (those involved in purchasing and introducing IT-related equipment)Men and women 1,072 survey regions: National Survey Method: Internet Research Survey Time: July 3, 2020 (Friday) to July 7 (Tue) Del Technology IT Advisor Del Technology IT Advisor (HTTPS: // www.delleeeeeeeeeeee.Childm/ja-jp/work/shop/small-business-central/cp/small-business-central)は、中小企業におけるテレワーク環境の整備を支援するサービスを提供しています。法人(ビジネス)向けテレワーク導入ソリューション(https://www.delleeeeeeeeeeee.Childm/ja-jp/work/shop/delleeeeeeeeeeee/cp/work-from-home?~ck=mn)、およびテレワーク(在宅勤務)におすすめのパソコン・周辺機器特集(https://www.delleeeeeeeeeeee.Childm/ja-jp/shop/remote-work/cp/remote-work)では、テレワークやモバイルワークにおいても快適な仕事環境を提供し、生産性をさらに向上させるための、おすすめのパソコン(PC)と周辺機器を紹介しています。また、デルでは、受注生産モデルのほか、国内倉庫から最短翌日にお届け可能な「即納モデル」を豊富にご用意しています。###*令和2年4月7日から令和2年5月6日デルの新製品やキャンペーンなどの最新情報ホームページ各種コンテンツおよびソーシャルメディアをご参照ください。Dell 新製品一覧ページ (法人のお客様向けモデル):https://www.delleeeeeeeeeeee.Childm/ja-jp/work/shop/delleeeeeeeeeeee/cp/new-products-jp-sb即納モデル:https://www.delleeeeeeeeeeee.Childm/ja-jp/work/shop/deals/fasttrack-system-dealsノートパソコン:https://www.delleeeeeeeeeeee.Childm/ja-jp/work/shop/deals/laptop-dealsデスクトップ:https://www.delleeeeeeeeeeee.Childm/ja-jp/work/shop/deals/desktop-dealsワークステーション:https://www.delleeeeeeeeeeee.Childm/ja-jp/work/shop/deals/precision-system-dealsサーバー・ネットワーク:https://www.delleeeeeeeeeeee.Childm/ja-jp/work/shop/deals/server-dealsモニター・周辺機器:https://www.delleeeeeeeeeeee.Childm/ja-jp/work/shop/accessories?~ck=mnIT担当者向けサーバー テレワークソリューション:https://www.delleeeeeeeeeeee.Childm/ja-jp/work/shop/work-from-home/cp/work-from-home-server-telework■デル テクノロジーズについてデル・テクノロジーズ(NYSE:DELL)は、企業や人々がデジタルの未来を築き、仕事や生活の仕方を変革することを支援します。同社は、データ時代における業界で最も包括的かつ革新的なテクノロジーとサービスのポートフォリオをお客様に提供しています。(C) Copyright 2020 Dell Inc., A related company.All Rights Reserved.Trademarks and services provided by Dell Technologies, Dell, EMC and Dell EMC are Dell Inc in the United States..Or a trademark or registered trademark of the affiliated company.Other products registered and trademarks belong to each company.The description is as of July 29, 2020.Corporate press release to details to PRTIMES


* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.