Construction of "Okuibuki Hydroelectric Power Station" started!  !!  CO2 reduction amount "620t per year"! Go to "Start Hydroelectric Power Generation" with Kansai Electric Power Group companies!  !!Corporate Release | Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun Electronic Edition

Construction of "Okuibuki Hydroelectric Power Station" started! !! CO2 reduction amount "620t per year"! Go to "Start Hydroelectric Power Generation" with Kansai Electric Power Group companies! !!Corporate Release | Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun Electronic Edition

Release issuing company: Oku Ibuki Kanko Co., Ltd.

「奥伊吹水力発電所」を建設開始!!CO2削減量「年間620t」!関西電力のグループ会社と「水力発電をスタート」へ!! 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

[Started "hydroelectric power generation". Okuibuki Kanko, which operates a ski resort (Gransnow Okuibuki) in Maibara City, Shiga Prefecture, and KANSO Technos of the Kansai Electric Power Group will jointly operate the "Okuibuki Power Plant". ] Okuibuki Kanko Co., Ltd., which operates a ski resort (Gransnow Okuibuki) in Maibara City, Shiga Prefecture, and KANSO Technos Co., Ltd., a group of Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. Started construction of "Okuibuki Power Station" at 124, Setoyama). "Okuibuki Hydroelectric Power Generation LLC" established on February 14, 2020 will start the "Hydroelectric Power Generation Business". [Annual power generation for about 450 households CO2 reduction amount Approximately 620 tons per year] The Oku Ibuki power plant is a waterway type power plant with a "maximum output of 199 kW", and the annual power generation amount is "1350 MWh". It can supply electricity for "about 450 households" and reduce "about 620 tons of CO2 per year", and generate earth-friendly renewable energy. [Established a new company in February this year. Construction will start in July. Scheduled to start operation in June 2022 after a construction period of about two years] A new company will be established in February this year, and construction work will begin on July 1 with local construction consent and approval of various applications. .. The operation is scheduled to start in June 2022 after a construction period of about two years. Utilizing the feed-in tariff (FIT) for renewable energy, all generated power will be sold to Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. for 20 years. Achieves annual electricity generation that exceeds the company's annual electricity usage. In the future, we aim to supply electricity to our facilities using natural energy. When the Okuibuki power plant is completed, it will generate "1350MWh" of electricity, which exceeds the annual electricity usage (1100MWh) used at the facilities currently operated by the company (Gransnow Okuibuki, Green Park Shandong, Gran Element, etc.). Since it can be secured, we aim to "supply electricity to our facilities with the natural energy of hydraulic power" generated from the power plant after the end of 20 years of fixed purchase of renewable energy. [Promoting zero emissions from the sense of crisis that I felt during the operation of the ski resort for 50 years. To realize the society that the SDGs aim for. ] From the experience of feeling a sense of crisis in our daily lives, such as the lightening of snow due to global warming during the operation of ski resorts for 50 years, we realized that it is necessary to reduce environmental risks in order to respond to climate change. By operating the power plant currently under construction to "zero CO2 emissions by utilizing natural energy from hydroelectric power generation," the United Nations University advocates "promotion of optimization of resource use and minimization of waste." Promote "zero emissions". By striving to circulate resources and eliminate emissions to nature, we will bring benefits, opportunities and growth to society and the economy, and at the same time, aim to "reduce the environmental load" and aim for "sustainable, clean and modern". Ensuring access to modern energy ”. [Overview of the power plant] Name Okuibuki Power Station Company Okuibuki Hydropower Joint Company Investor Okuibuki Kanko Co., Ltd. KANSO Technos Co., Ltd. Location 124 Kozuhara Setoyama, Yonehara City, Shiga Prefecture Water system / River name Yodogawa water system・ Anekawa tributary Setoya River power generation method Waterway type Maximum output 199kW Maximum water consumption 0.25m3 / S Effective head 105.0m Annual power generation 1,350MWh CO2 reduction amount Approximately 620t per year Established February 14, 2nd year of investment management Okuibuki Kanko Co., Ltd. KANSO Technos Co., Ltd. Location 530 Kozuhara, Yonehara City, Shiga Prefecture Phone 0749-59-0322 [Investment management company official website] Okuibuki Kanko Co., Ltd. (Gran) Snow Okuibuki) KANSO Technos Co., Ltd. To the details of the corporate press release To the PRTIMES top

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