Where is Apple's vertical integration strategy, and the greater ecosystem?

Where is Apple's vertical integration strategy, and the greater ecosystem?

Is the closed platform advanced?...?

It has been almost a month since the break from Intel (Intel) was announced, but the "Apple Silicon" is still a lot of mysteries.Where and where is Apple's business going?Gizmodo explains the various impacts on the transition to ARM.

Apple has broken away from Intel, as rumored for a long time, and has decided to manufacture its own CPU based on the ARM architecture.From this trend, Apple's intention to further control the production and development process in -house will be seen.


GAFAの独占禁止法をめぐる公聴会での証言に最高経営責任者(CEO)のティム・クック氏が合意したことを踏まえて考えると、さらに興味深い流れになってきたなと思う人も多いのでは? これまで以上に壮大な垂直統合型のビジネスを形作ることを目指して大きな一歩を踏み出そうとしている矢先に、 EUがアップル/アップルストアに独禁法の疑いをかけられ本格的な調査を受けることになったのもまた皮肉的というかなんというか...。

By keeping the supply chain in the company as much as possible, you will maintain cost reductions, increase in revenue, and even maintain the market in the market.In other words, vertical integration is a driver that will increase profits for Apple.

"For more than five years, Apple has not been so successful on Mac," said Analyst Patrick More Head, who said, "Many innovations are due to Windows vendors."

For Apple, vertical integration is a method for cost reduction and differentiation.

I don't understand why Apple does high cost and risk.Even though there are no clear advantages for developers and users, Apple is trying to boost profits.


Apple began to stick to vertical integration since the 1980s.When an emerging computer manufacturer began to make an Apple and his IBM clone, Apple sued at least one company and went out of business, while the IBM clone would make Michael Dell a millionaire....。In any case, after betting on vertical integration for 30 years, Apple has become the wealthy company in the United States.


Apple's vertical integration strategy was also attractive to rivals at a major tech.Microsoft in the 1990s has tried to push the Internet Explorer to Windows users to drive online scaps and try an extreme vertical match.In the end, it is stopped by anti -trade lawsuit...。Microsoft is now aggressively expanding its base while approaching Apple's business model.Because both OS and hardware are built, Windows 10 functions are excellent in compatibility with Surface, and Windows and Xbox are very well linked for the same reason.

Can Apple develop an excellent processor?

The ARM processor has made a remarkable improvement for many years.There are potentials comparable to the fastest chips manufactured by Intel and AMD, but is the speed reasonable?Microsoft also has an ARM -based product, which resulted in "Surface Pro X" (the best battery life) and "Samsung Galaxy Book 2" (performance is not good at all).

Given that Intel and AMD have been built for long laptops and desktop chips, Apple also needs a corresponding "strength".For example, the current command of Apple's ARM architecture is one of them.I've heard that ARM -based CPUs for iPhone and iPad also acknowledge the tough X86.At least if you know how to make chips for mobile, and if the outflowed benchmark results and performance predictions are backed up, the life and performance may probably be more than Intel or AMD.Become.

では、IntelからARMへの移行はスムーズにいくのでしょうか? アップルは垂直統合ビジネスの例だけでいえば教科書並みであるには間違いないですが、依然として他の企業や開発者に依存しているのが実態です。80年代には、多くの開発者がMacデバイス用のソフトウェア作成に躊躇しました。当時は、ごく一部のユーザーにしか到達しないプラットフォームを開発するのに数百万ドルを費やす意義が理解されなかったためでしょう。ARMへの移行についても、開発者を納得させることができなければ、数十年前と同じことが起きる可能性があります。

The voice of the developer is

ARM is completely different from the X86 architecture used on the Intel -based Mac currently sold by Apple.One depends on RISC, which processes a very different code from the X86 CISC.Apple should not be aware of this, MacOS 10 in 2019.There is also a reason why Catalyst was launched in Catalina and the iOS app was able to run seamlessly with MacOS.The iOS and iPados stores have millions of excellent apps, and should be used without any shift, not in the new ARM -based Mac box.

Regarding the transition from Intel, the iOS developer Steven Troughton-Smith tweeted, "The vibrant future must be waiting.""The OS was a long -lasting state, but I wonder if it can be moved forward as part of the iOS platform family in the future."

However, for example, as you have used iOS apps such as Instagram on the iPad, it is clear that some corrections are always needed.Both iOS and iPados have a touch -based UI, and the application is designed on the premise.

SkateBird developer Megan Fox tweeted, saying, "In essence, it will kill a Mac multi -platform.""The value of support has already disappeared, but it will be in a valuable area in the future," he describes apps such as games developed for multiple platforms, including Macs.Apple ultimately tends to confirm the support of the multi -platform app, and to respond to games only when a large amount of money moves.

He tweeted, "The support cost and the income from the Mac are so bad that it makes me laugh," and said, "It's reasonable in the sense that iOS is better, but that is the right developer with appropriate contact information.Only in the case is that Apple cooperates with the developers of a specific app.Apple's favorite apps are acquired or adopted by Apple Arcade if they are lucky, and if they are unlucky, the same app will be released and will be rejected from the store.It will be.Some developers tweeted, "Apple is a rival for the coder."

I don't know if Apple will be able to properly manage the App Store with the transition from Intel.Compared to the Google Play Store, the number of apps that sucks up the data is small, and at least quality control may be spread.

However, Apple's control often backfires.For example, when vape -related apps are banned, companies such as PAX will create another web app...。In addition, there was one case about BASECAMP's email application "Hey".Some of the Amazon e -books and digital materials such as comics cannot be purchased on iOS in the first place.Amazon may think that it is better for iOS users to feel a little inconvenient than to distribute 30 % to Apple.

こうしたiOSの例とは異なり、MacOS開発者はMac App Storeを使用することで問題を回避してきました。しかし、将来的にはどうなるのでしょうか。特に、オペレーティングシステム用に開発している人々がiOSやiPadOS構築も一緒に行なっていたら? アップルはiOSやiPadOSでもそうしてきたように、MacOSを"クローズド・プラットフォーム"に変える計画はないと繰り返し述べています。でも、今回のARMへの移行によってうまく実現しようとしている可能性がありそうです。

"A part of the problem is based on the existence of a closed platform around iOS software, which is based on the existence of a closed platform around iOS software," said the audio app developer, CHRIS RANDALL.Tweet.Apple has now stated that they are trying to expand their closed walls in the form that affects their major income sources.


Furthermore, with the transition to ARM, Apple has successfully deleted the function of side roads on other OSs on the Mac device.Intel -based Mac users can now load the Boot Camp app and create a Windows 10 or Linux partition on the device.Boot Camp processes all tricky things, such as boot loaders and necessary drivers, and very simplify operating systems other than Mac.This is also useful for those who use Windows -only applications or developers who want to quickly check the operation on both Mac and Windows.

Boot Camp is not available on ARM -based Mac.Dual boots are technically possible, but that is not easy.Neither Apple nor Microsoft plans to function Windows 10 with Apple Arm CPU.Regardless of what the future of dual boots and triple boots on ARM Mac is, it may not be a turn key system for developers.

Even if it is not a closed platform, the transition to ARM will definitely create a large "wall".When the parliament takes up this problem, I would like to delve deeper in whether the App Store and supply chain are potentially anti -competitive, rather than pursuing the reasons for a long time in the iPhone battery life.Thing.

一方、MacOSファンとして期待できることもあります。アップルいわく、Intelベースのデバイスサポートは「今後数年間」続くとのこと。このことは、移行後でも旧来型のCPUアーキテクチャをサポートするという5年のことか、あるいは私の母が使って13年目になるMacBookでもサポートするという10年以上のことか、あらゆる意味合いを含むことになりそうです。アナリストのPatrick Moorhead氏は、バックアップとしてIntelをキープするのでは? という可能性についても話していました。

Oh, I wish so...!