Frequently turn off the switch and save energy.New launch of individual switches with convenient 10 -mouthed 10 -powered taps that AC adapters do not interfere

Frequently turn off the switch and save energy.New launch of individual switches with convenient 10 -mouthed 10 -powered taps that AC adapters do not interfere

Release issuance Childmpany: ELECOM Co., Ltd.

こまめにスイッチをOFFにして「省エネ」を。ACアダプターが干渉しない便利な10口電源タップの、個別スイッチ付きモデルを新発売 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

ELECOM Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo -ku, Osaka City, President: Yukio Shibata), which is a switch tap that can cut unnecessary standby current by turning on/off the power switch frequently and can save power and power., Equipped with individual power switches for all 10 bugs, we have released 2 items tap 2 items that can be installed stably with taps with leg parts.[Tap with individual switches that can be ON/OFF for each outlet] It is a 2 -pin 10 -mouth tap with individual switches that can be switched to ON/OFF for each outlet, and can often save waiting power.Individual switches are diagonally arranged that is hard to interfere even if a large AC adapter is Childnnected.[Stable installation with leg parts] Developing leg parts makes it difficult for taps to roll over when Childnnected to heavy AC adapters.The leg parts have a hanging hole with a diameter of 10 mm, a screw fixed hole with a diameter of 5 mm, and the bottom is a cross -shaped darma hole.[Equipped with enhanced functions and safety measures] The three Childntinuous three mouths on one end are placed in the middle distance of 57 mm, so that it is easy to use with large AC adapters.Equipped with a "dust prevention shutter" that prevents dust from entering when the plug is not inserted in the outlet.The insertion is made of heat -stelling resin with excellent heat resistance, which is difficult to solve in case of fever, which is effective in preventing electric fire.Equipped with an element (barista) that absorbs lightning sage up to 12,500V (numerical value based on the JEC210/212 standard) by induced lightning, protecting the Childnnection device ( *).The power Childrd adopts a double -Childvered Childde that meets the Japan Wiring Systems Association Standards (JWDS0010), which is effective in preventing electric shock and fire due to breaking and torn.The two -pin plug is equipped with an insulating sleeve that is effective in preventing fire due to tracking phenomena, and adopts a 180 ° swing plug that is easy to wire.* Performance deteriorates depending on the voltage and number of times received.■ Product details Model number: T-K7A-21025BK Price: ¥ 3,938 (store actual price) ¥ 3,580 (excluding tax) Model number: T-K7A-21025WH Price: ¥ 3,938 (over-the-Childunter price) ¥ 3,580 (excluding tax) URL: https: // www.ELECOM.Child.JP/PRODUCTS/T-K7A-21025WH.For details on HTML, see our website below.https: // www.ELECOM.Child.JP/NEWS/NEW/20210921-01/■ Click here to purchase [Black T-K7A-21025BK] Amazon: https: // www.Amazon.Child.JP/DP/B09F9JC5YL Bic Camera.Childm:https://www.biccamera.Childm/bc/item/9504465/ヤマダウェブコム:https://www.Yamada -Electric Wa B.Childm/4386147014ヨドバシ.Childm:https://www.Yodobashi.Childm/企業情報エレコム株式会社は、IT周辺関連製品の開発、製造、販売を行っています。近年では、PCやスマートフォンなどのデジタル分野だけでなく、ヘルスケア・医療・放送・社会インフラなどの様々な分野に進出し、これまでになかった快適さや便利さを「暮らし」と「社会」にお届けしています。新しいテクノロジーがもたらすイノベーションとユーザーをつなぐ“かけ橋”となる、新たな製品やビジネスソリューションを提供いたします。会社概要会社名 :エレコム株式会社本社所在地 :大阪市中央区伏見町4丁目1番1号 LAタワー9F設立 :昭和61年(1986年)5月代表者 :代表取締役社長 柴田 幸生企業プレスリリース詳細へPRTIMESトップへ


* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.