The iMac that made Wikipedia is now available for auction with a box. The expected winning bid is about 960,000 yen!

The iMac that made Wikipedia is now available for auction with a box. The expected winning bid is about 960,000 yen!

Is it a little surprising that the iMac was used?


Unexpected items are often put up for auction around the world, but ... Christie's put up an iMac that was used to launch Wikipedia. The 2000 model "Strawberry" color, with accessories and a box, comes out at an estimated winning bid of $ 8,500 (about 965,000 yen).

A favorite machine that overcame suffering together

The iMac is currently used by Jimmy Wales, Honorary President of the Wikimedia Foundation, and was the creator of Wikipedia's predecessor, Nupedia, in 2000.

At that time, my daughter, Keira, was born, but she was hospitalized immediately after giving birth because of an intractable disease, and I remember that it was this iMac that was searching online for her medical condition. At the same time, I installed the collaborative editing software "Wiki" and used it to build an early Wikipedia. After that, her daughter was used to watch the video, and until today she was put back in the box and stored in a storage room.

The deadline for the auction is 2:00 pm on December 15th. At the time of writing, there were already 40 bids, but what kind of person will bid off at what price? Without a doubt, it will be one that will make a name for itself in the history of the Internet.