Let's make good soil for gardening with the "coffee kasu" you got at the cafe!

Let's make good soil for gardening with the "coffee kasu" you got at the cafe!

If you think it's thin, it's soil improvement (amendment)!

Mixing with dead plants (brown) and lying down and fermenting and fermented, it will be revived in fluffy soil, so we will introduce the tricks to use coffee kasu that you can easily get at a cafe or home in gardening. To do!

Only overseas?Starbucks can get coffee for free

It was distributed for a while in Japan a while ago, but in Starbucks overseas, the "Free Grounds for Your Garden" program is still alive, and when you buy coffee, you hear "Do you give away coffee grounds?"It will be divided into.

It's an eco -program that Starbucks has been working on for 20 years.

Prepare a bucket or vinyl when you get it, as it may soak into the car.

Coffee kasu is "earthworm -like panda"

The purpose of Americans to use coffee kasu in composing is Mizumizu -chan.It is sucked by coffee and comes out of nowhere and becomes a messy soil ~ Yes.

The black soil that earthworms ate and eaten out are sold at a fair price called "Worm Casting".You can put it on top, put it on the side, put it on the bottom, or use it for the original fertilizer (fertilizer mixed with soil), and among the gardener, it is called "GARDEN GOLD".Well, it's a earthworm dung.

It is a mystery why it comes in, but it is generally said as follows.

・ Coffee kasu (bacteria that disassemble) is a favorite of earthworms

・ Coffee kasu has fine grains, so it helps to digest it in the sand sac of earthworms.

Even in Japan, it seems that "earthworms will come to you if you put it on", so it seems to be a common habit for all countries.What is a little strange is to enter the soil even if there is a little distance from the ground.Do you jump?Is there an egg on the mixed soil?It's interesting just to imagine.

"The soil becomes acidic" really?

Coffee beans are acidic, so I'm worried about that area, but coffee (pH5 (pH5) is a type of acid that melts in water..It is generally melted in 2).The pH balance of the rest after brewing is PH6.5 to 6.8 is almost neutral (7).The pH balance is the same as vegetables, so you don't have to be so nervous.Washing water before using it can further reduce the acid, and you can also suppress caffeine (which hinders the growth of plants).

Coffee Kasu is a treasure trove of NPK

The nutrients required for the soil are NPKs, n nitrogen (fertilizer), p is phosphoric acid (real fertilization), k is potash (root fertilization), three are called "three elements of fertilizer."N's 2 for coffee kasu.1%, 0 phosphate.3%(0 in Japan.2%information).3%contains and ideal.In addition, it contains quite a few ingredients necessary for growing plants, such as copper, manganese, zinc, and magnesium.

Common mistakes Part 1: "Sprinkle coffee cracks on the soil as it is"

However, coffee kasu is water -repellent, so it is NG to be thickly served at the base of the plant!Water does not enter the soil and wither, or water accumulates on top, causing mold.In addition, coffee blur also has germination and root inhibitory, so if you spray it in the field as a herbicide, it is ◎, but it is given as a nutrient of buds.

If you put it on the top, it is a rule to mix with other multi -materials (straw, dead leaves, bark chips, wood chips, etc.).If you mix, you will be balanced there, so you don't have to worry about taking the microorganisms in the soil.

When you mix coffee kasu ...

・ It will be a snail, rats, cats


・ Suppress ammonia odor

・ Prepare the condition of the soil

… It changes to two birds with one stone and three birds.When you put it on, be careful not to hit the roots on the front.

Famous mistakes Part 2: "Mix coffee kasu directly into the soil"

Coffee Kasu looks brown and soil itself, but it is a green category.In other words, because it is a competitive relationship that is similar to the plants, if it is mixed with the soil as it is, it will take nitrogen from the roots (nitrogen hunger).To prevent this from happening, fermentation (compost) is required.

Compost is easy

There are four things you need in the compost:

・ Brown: source of carbon.Dead leaves, dead grass, straw, momaru, gardens, cardboard, etc.

・ Green: source of nitrogen.Vegetables, grass, etc.



Microorganisms in the soil proliferate carbon with energy sources and nitrogen as a protein source, making calcium, magnesium, and potassium into fertilizers.

Specifically, the brown, green, and soil are repeated with a little water and moisturized with water (even if you hold it, the water does not drip and it becomes a dumpling).Stir up to add air), and wait until the scent of the forest becomes.

If you don't have a garden, you can sleep for about 3 months while switching back with a bucket or cardboard.

In the United States, DIY tumblers that open about 10 holes on the bottom and top of the storage box with lids are also popular.Coffee kasu has a deodorant effect, so you don't mind the odor of garbage.

What is the blend of brown and green?

It is a brown -to -green blend, but this is really gusset depending on the person who says 4: 1, 3: 1, 2: 1.It depends on the temperature, humidity, and sunshine hours.The weight ratio was 30: 1, but it was an explanation that it was OK with a glory of about 1 and about 1 green, even if it did not weigh.

It's okay if you learn the next point, so if you think it doesn't smell, add a dead grass or a dead leaf brown, and add the green if you think it's cold.

Brown: Cold.Fermentation is slow.Suppress the smell

Green: It gets hot.Fermentation is faster.The smell stands

Five tips to faster the compost

I can't wait for 3 months!If you try the following method, you can do humus in a few weeks as early as possible.

1.Be large

2.Be small

3.Moderate moisture

4.Plenty of air

5.Add the material to decompose quickly

The grass jumping and crushing was on YouTube."If you heat it, it will be faster" is x, and even if it is too hot, microorganisms will die.When it exceeds 65 ° C, add air and cool it.

Egg shells, coffee kasu, tea bags (color printing paper and staples are ×), fruit skin, wooden, straw, vegetables, wooden leaves, etc.Some Americans are mixed with smoothies and humus with banana skins, and add a little soda and sugar left to the purpose of fermentation in the early stage.

Nut shells, large trees, branches, corn core, etc.This is finely crushed and mixed with the green to break down quickly.

No matter how much coffee kasu is green, it is not possible to make good fertilizers just by coffee, so it seems better to mix at least several types of bacteria.Immediately, we mixed with grass that was hardened on the roadside, brown -colored avocado and kombucyas cobbie smoothies, egg shells, vegetable scraps, and stones of shiitake mushrooms.excited.

Food loss is 1 billion tonnes a year around the world.Japan, which is a "wasteful spirit", is one of the world's top class of food disposal.

The coffee kasu that comes out in Japan is 300,000 tons per year (the All Japan Coffee Association estimate), and most of them become waste garbage.If burned, it would be oxygen if it was returned to the soil, and a "coffee kasu -up cafe" that all the staff began to work with the pandemic.

I want to enjoy it with an experimental feeling!