How to install Ubuntu on PS3 and emulate vintage games

How to install Ubuntu on PS3 and emulate vintage games

It's easy to forget, but PS3 is a PC that is connected to the best monitor in the house.If you install Ubuntu and play Super Nintendo (SNES), you will surely feel it.

It's surprising now, but it's surprising that Sony can play with Linux from the beginning on PS3, in a good way.From the beginning, there was also a modified version of Yellow Dog Linux, and convenient HD party shoning and dual boot utilities were directly included in the PS3 XMB.Ubuntu can be installed in a completely separated partition in the PS3 HD, so you don't have to use the default system you are currently using, and it's easy to switch between Ubuntu and XMB.

If you turn it over, there are weaknesses, and the CELL processor of PS3 is based on PowerPC (PPC), so you cannot use Linux compatible software compiled for X86 (unfortunately most).But Ubuntu always has a PPC distribution, and most basic things can be used without any problems.You can also load the SUPER NINTENDO EMULATOR, SNES9X compiled for PPC, and play with a nostalgic game while operating the Sixaxis controller with a Bluetooth connection.The basic processing of computers for browsing the web is much more natural and elegant to start Ubuntu and operate on a TV screen than the PS3 browser.

Is the remaining drawback the performance?- PS3 is hardware sturdy, but there is no Linux -compatible driver that can utilize the good of CELL processor multi -core architecture or PS3 hardware graphics acceleration.In addition, what happened to Ubuntu can be used in the RAM 512MB of PS3 221..Only 7 MB.That's why it's not ferocious (I can't do any HD videos), but I feel that the basic things can be moved enough.

Even for the second year of using PS3, it was impossible to see the forums where Linux geeks gathered quite a bit.I did that troublesome place on behalf of this time, so everyone who reads it is OK.No, true.Then start immediately!


• Ubuntu 8.10 PS3 installation disk image

• Empty CD

• USB Hard Drive formatted to FAT32 (used for backup of PS3 data)

• USB keyboard and mouse (preferably wireless)

Ubuntu 8.10をインストールする

1. 別のOSをインストールするには、ハードディスクを完全消去がマストなので、PS3のデータ(ゲームセーブ、ダウンロードしたゲーム、ゲームに必要なHDインストールなど)はバックアップを取っておきます。これをやるにはFAT32にフォーマットしたUSBディスク(Mac HFS では動きません)が必要です。トロフィーの保存はできないので、失くしたら悲劇! という人は「Game」->「Trophy Collection」-> 三角を押して「Sync with Server」を選択してくださいね。

2. ディスクを挿入してXMBの「Settings」-> 「System Settings」-> 「Backup Utility」へ。「Back Up」を選んで、自分のUSBディスクを選びます。このデータは「 /PS3/EXPORT/BACKUP 」に保存されます。僕はここで約25分かかりました。Ubuntuのインストールが終わったら、XMBに最初に切り替える際、「Backup Utility」でバックアップを修復しておきましょう。

3.Now you are ready for Ubuntu installation.This Ubuntu help page is also helpful, but this is Ubuntu 7 as if there is a refusal to the top..There is a change because it is a help written for 10.I use it in the procedure here 8.It is 10 (ZDNET also explained Japanese procedures).

Here, we will use "Alternate Install Disc".Some people say that installing a graphical LIVE CD will have a little problem ...This "Alternate Install Disc" is an old DOS -like graphics, but the contents are exactly the same.Once you get it (recommended by Torent), bake the ISO file on the CD.

4. そのCDを自分のPS3に入れ、「Settings」 ->「 System Settings」->「 Install Other OS」。これでデュアルブートローダーのkbootがものの数秒でインストールされますよ。別のOSのインストール専用ディスクで再起動したいかどうか聞いてくるので、PS3がイーサネットでネットに繋がってるのを確かめ(WiFi接続だとUbuntuインストーラーが混乱する恐れアリ)、USBキーボードをつなぎ(後で必要)、YESとこたえましょうね。

5.Ubuntu 8 while operating the keyboard.10 Follow the instructions for the text to install the system in the installer.It's Agley, but if you read it, you can understand.Almost all default options should be selected.It looks like you've hung several times on the way, but it just looks like that.Let's do it as the installer moves without panic.Installation is 45 minutes.When you're done, take out the installation disk and launch the traditional Ubuntu desktop.

SixaxisやDual Shockをブルートゥースでひとつに

For example, the advantage of using Ubuntu instead of Yellow Dog Distro for PS3 is that you can easily download the PS3 dedicated controller and make it easier to pair wirelessly.You need to switch to Ubuntu's PS3 for that step.

Wireless USB keyboard and mouse are indispensable, but this is USB from Bluetooth.Logitech (Logitech) mouse "MX1100" could be used immediately with Ubuntu, but the Logitech "DINOVO EDGE BT" keyboard on hand was useless.— You can detect and pair with Ubuntu's Bluetooth compatible utility, but you can't hit it (I think there is a way.So I used Apple's keyboard for a USB extension cable.

1.The procedure is almost in the thread (English) here.This is also here for software that requires DL.Sixaxis Bluetooth Package.tar.Download GZ and thaw it to your Ubuntu desktop.

2.Double -click to install the package inside.First, "Bluez-Sixaxis-bin_powerpc."Deb" package, then "Bluez-Sixaxis_rc1.1_all.In the order of "DEB".

3. 次にコントローラをオフにして、「Applications」->「 Accessories」->「Sixaxis-gui in Ubuntu」で、アプリを起動。「Setup Menu」を選んで、「Setup first connection」を選び、指示に従います。PSというボタンは、押せと言われるまで押さないこと。繋がってからもライトは点滅し続けます。


4.When you're done, go to "Connect Sixaxis to PC" in "Task Menu" and connect this or any other controller.To use this with the SNES emulator to be installed in the future, there is something that you have to do.

5.The reason is to select "ENABLE KEYBOARD MOUSE" in "Task Menu" and select "FAKE JOYSTICK".You can now pair your controller as a Linux joystick.After that, cut it with "Turn Off Sixaxis" and then reconnect the controller.


SNES9X is quite good even if you use it on PS3.There is a detailed warning, but this will be later.

1.Open the Ubuntu terminal window and enter the following command:

sudo apt-get install snes9express snes9x-x

The emulator is now installed.

2.When you're done, "SNES9EXPRESS" will be displayed in "Games", a Ubuntu app launcher, and will be launched.

3. 的確にコンフィギュアする手順: ROMタブ内で、 SNES ROM(子どもの頃に既に持ってたゲームですよ、もちろん!)を全部保存したフォルダーを選択。->「Sound」で「Thread Sound」を選んだことを確かめます。選ばないと全部ひどい音になるので。->「Video」で「Scale」、「Hi-Res」、「Full Screen」を選びます。

4.The procedure to make SNES9X can recognize Sixaxis is somewhat complicated.To configure, press Devices on the Controllers tab.Then, change the entry of "Pad 1" from "/Dev/JS0" to "/Dev/Input/JS0" (if you use two, "Pad 2").Don't do button Maps configuration for joysticks...。

5.Return to ROM, select your game, and press "Power".This should start.

But here is the above -mentioned warning."The PPC version of SNES9X on PS3 will clog your throat if you try to use another button configuration for the controller (configuration is compatible, but no game can be played), but its default.The configuration is (although it's strange). You just have to find out where each button of Snes is mapped for each game. It may be a bit difficult to games like "Street Fighter 2".You can play RPGs such as "F-ZERO", "Pilotwings", and Earthbound (!!!) without any problems!

Compared to that, there are few hits, but it seems that the full screen display is impossible with PS3 (at least I was impossible).But the window can be dragged and can be done as much as possible, and the effect is the same even if the display is enlarged.You can just see the Ubuntu desktop in the background.

Overall, it's fun just to see the PS3 potential and play vintage games, even if it's not enough to pay off the old -fashioned SNES dust.


Even if Ubuntu is locked, the main power switch on the back should not be pulled out.You can forcibly terminate the ordinary power button on the table for 5 seconds and long.

Theoretically, just inputting "Boot-Game-OS" at the Kboot prompt, you can easily return to XMB ... but I haven't done this yet.Instead, I turn off the PS3 power (that is, the power light is red), and then press and hold the power button for 5-10 seconds until the sound comes out several times and release it.If you restart it, you will return to XMB by default (you may have to choose the resolution of the TV again, but it is OK, all other configurations should be saved).Once you play with Linux, you can just set the PlayStation OS in the XMB System setting.


I haven't tried everything yet, but some other things are possible.:


This thread (English) is useful.Y Default Installation On My Samsung 720p LCD, Ubuntu was a high-resolution, but a 1-2 inch black border was entered on the edge.Experienced people using Linux configure files are Xorg.Enter Conf (Ubuntu 8).In 10, it is blank by default.This is where I was confused at first, let's take a caribrett to the resolution of my TV.


I don't think this will work by default, but if you want to use an analog stick of the PS3 controller instead of a USB mouse, this thread is fine..Config file fine -tuning procedure is listed.I tried it, but I gave up because the button was in a strange place.But there are many people who can be used as this is.


When I was using SIXAXIS with SNES9X while fixing the bug that came out, I was able to meet at the best moment in the history of geeks.Thanks to this guy, I was able to move safely.

As of JAN/06/2008 @ 11:43 AM EST -For some reason Snes9express is bad when joystick is turned on.In order for the emulator to move normally without getting an error code 1, you have to go to the Joystick tab and turn it off.I'll look it up later.(Lunch at a restaurant.

Good, these people.

that's all!Please enjoy plenty of Ubuntu on PS3.If you have more interesting usage, please let me know in the comments.

Related: Installation guide for those who want to move PS3 Linux for the time being

John Mahoney (Original / Translation: Satomi)

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