How much explosion can humans withstand?How can I survive?

How much explosion can humans withstand?How can I survive?

Of course, it is best not to see such an explosion...。

But if a bomb is set up somewhere and it explodes, how far can you withstand the human body?I checked what kind of damage actually caused by the explosion and what would survive.

Most movies and television programs do not have the details of what happens due to explosions.In most cases, we are not looking for realism in the "explosion scene".So the protagonist escapes from the exploding bus by a motorcycle, and the bike explodes, but even if you jump on the skateboard and escape the difficulties, you may complain that "I don't know anything."I will not do it.

But when you look at movies, there are occasional depictions that are too convenient.For example, humans run faster than blasts, they can escape from the blast quickly, or at the end they do not look at the explosion and leave cool.But the reality is even more scary.


In the explosion scene in the movie, the flame springs up in slow motion, and when the fragments of the bombs over, it flies into the air, which is 3D these days.Anyway, the fire and the object that fly at high speed are the basic way of drawing the explosion.However, the fear of the explosion is not only in fire and bombs, but also in invisible places.

Of course, there is also damage due to fire and bombs.But most of the destructive power of the explosion is probably in the blast.When an explosion occurs, the large amount of air around it is applied to a tremendous pressure.Usually, the presence of air is not very conscious, but the air pushed by the explosion destroys the surroundings with huge pressure.


The air usually puts pressure on humans, but the size is one pressure, that is, 1013 hectopascal.Humans have evolved to withstand that level of pressure, and without it, it will be difficult to live.

人間はどの程度の爆発に耐えられる? どうしたら生き残れる?

But if the pressure changes rapidly, it will be a threat to the human body.When an explosion occurs, the pressure changes twice around it, causing damage.

The first pressure change occurs when air is spherically pressed and compressed from the point where the blast exploded.Next, after the air is pressed, the space where the original air existed could not have a new air, and a partial vacuum condition.In other words, if an explosion occurs near a human, the person will be exposed to a vacuum immediately after the pressure of the blast.

The human body is surprisingly tough.If the pressure changes slowly to the extent that the body can adapt, it can withstand 30,000 hectopascal (about 30 times the normal pressure).But if the pressure changes rapidly, the endurance range will be smaller.Depending on the speed of the pressure change, the pressure of about 1400-2800 hectopascals can be fatal.

As the pressure is very high, the human body will be different.The damage to the meat and bones is tremendous.A low -level explosion may not die, but it still damages the body.

First, the ears are the most sensitive to pressure change.This is because the ears can quickly feel the subtle changes in the air pressure as a sound, and if pressure is applied for a long time, the damage will be certain.0.Even if the pressure of less than 3 milliseconds is less than 3 milliseconds, the eardrum cannot be applied and it will break.This can happen with a change of about 350 hectopascal.Next, the lungs respond to the change.The lungs have a lot of small bags with air, so if excessive pressure is applied rapidly, they will burst and bleed.The intestine is also destroyed.It may be difficult to imagine that the intestine is damaged by the explosion, but it is a sensitive organs for pressure changes.The intestines are filled with liquids and gas, so when the pressure changes suddenly, the intestine suddenly expands and contracts and tears.


The pressure change itself is dangerous, but there is even more danger caused by pressure changes.When a vacuum condition is created, the air rushes from around it to fill the vacuum.In other words, the wind.It's a tremendous wind.


In the movie, there are scenes that hide behind the wall, enter the tunnel, turn the corners (such as the Independence Day ").However, the pressure change due to the explosion is not something that can be exempted in such a hidden place.Many people think that buildings and cars shake in the wind, but the same is true for explosions.Even if the air waves escape, the power itself is alive and hits the building.

In addition, there are many situations where you run through a passage or escape to a narrow place, but this may actually increase the danger.For example, even water that comes out of the hose is the same as spouting with a strong momentum by pressing the tip of the hose.If the exit of the pressure is narrowed, the momentum will increase.So, if you escape to a narrower place, you can get a stronger wind, depending on the location.(By the way, hiding in the shadows does not mean that there is no merit at all, and it has the effect of protecting yourself from a piece of bomb.)

When trying to protect yourself in something, the robustness of the place is also important.This point is also drawn in the movie.If the building is about to break, escape from there.

Many buildings can withstand snow and wind.The weight of the snow and the pressure of the wind are reasonable, and the building is usually sturdy, but the roof can only withstand 45 kg of snow per square meter, and the wall can only withstand 160 km / h.The building is broken by the 350-1400 hectopascal pressure.It is more durable than humans, compared to the fatal pressure for humans from 1400-2800 hectopascal.So it may be more dangerous for the building to collapse than the explosion itself.


In general, it is impossible to help.It is impossible to explode at least in the movie and the screen is covered by flames.There are scenes that cars and humans are blown away by the explosions that occurred up close and that humans are alive (the movie "Long Kiss Goodnight" was amazing), but in reality.Military explosives generate tremendous pressure, so if they explode, everything nearby will be destroyed.

Even if it is a more modest explosion, the best measure is to escape far away.The power of the explosion becomes weaker as you go far, so it is to run as much as you want.If you dash for 100 meters, you can escape from 1 kg of explosives.If you are 1 km away, it is okay if 1 ton of explosives explodes.It is better if you can protect your head and ears, especially your ears while running away, but you shouldn't be late.Anyway, let's run away and far away.

[GEXCON, How Stuff Works, Fire Engineering, CDC, Global Security, Jephc, AussurVivalist]

ESTHER Inglis-Arkell (Original text / miho)