Employee shot dead at Tesla factory, colleague employee arrested for murder

Employee shot dead at Tesla factory, colleague employee arrested for murder

Monday 13th, when Elon Musk was named the face of TIME magazine this year.

At the Tesla factory, a tragic incident occurred in which an employee was killed by an ammunition, and his hometown of Fremont, California was far from TIME.

The crime after the quarrel?

The fire department rushed to the scene on December 13 (Monday) at 3:26 pm in response to the report that "a man has fallen in the parking lot". The man was a Tesla employee and had just left the factory after the shift. He was hit by ammunition and was confirmed dead on the spot.


The police determined that it was a murder case, and tracked a male employee (29) who had left early after arguing with the victim at work on the same day as an important reference. When I stopped and changed my belongings when I went out, an assault rifle was found in the car, and the ammunition matched the cartridge case (.223) left on the scene. He was immediately arrested on murder charges because he obediently admitted the crime. I am currently investigating motives.

The photo below shows a weapon rifle, but the police announced that it had no registration number. Is it illegal acquisition or a kind of ghost gun?

It's just a bit of a quarrel, and this kind of thing comes out, so it doesn't matter how much life you have in America ...

Compensation of 15.6 billion yen due to racial discrimination

Even so, the Tesla Fremont factory has been suffering from disasters these days. In October, a former black man was sued for racial discrimination, but a federal jury fully admitted the plaintiff's complaint, for a total of $ 137 million (about 156). I have ordered the payment of compensation of 100 million yen).

Sexual harassment proceedings one after another

In November, a former female employee sued the factory for sexual harassment. Since the beginning of this month, former employees and current employees have been proclaiming that they have suffered similar damages, and the lawsuits on the right and left have been stormy.

Jessica Barraza, a former Tesla Model 3 manufacturing assistant who filed a lawsuit in November, was often touched by her body at the factory and was persistently argued by her boss. She will escalate more and more if she refuses. She couldn't stand the atmosphere of the workplace trying to force her to stick and became panic disorder, she was diagnosed with PTSD by a doctor and she was advised to take leave. Talking to personnel did not improve anything, and on the contrary, when he was brought to an emergency due to a panic disorder, he was threatened by his boss when he wrote a disposition of "job abandonment". Far from the image of a state-of-the-art company, it was like an ancient construction site or a men's dormitory. "

This year's person

It may seem exaggerated, but just before Barraza's complaint, CEO Elon Musk said, "I wonder if we'll launch the Texas Institute of Technology & Science." "Merchandising will be interesting (" If you take the acronym, "TITS = boobs") "and" I'm sure you'll be admired all over the world. " This year's person ...

Am thinking of starting new university: Texas Institute of Technology & Science

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 29, 2021